Tuesday, August 28, 2007

survey results

First of all, I am going to tell you about my survey that I have done. I interviewed a variety of people both male and female of different ages. I had asked veryone to define the internet, how muc h time they spend browsing the Web for work or school, entertainment or leisure, sending e-mail, chatting or instant messaging, playing games, dowloading music, software, or other files, creating and publishing their own Web pages, photos, or weblogs, comparing prices and looking for product information, and finally buying or selling items.

During my survey I found out that certain ages and genders do the same amount of time on the intenet. For instants the teenage women that I have interviewed spent a lot more time on the internet chatting or shopping. For the teenage men, they spend more time playing games or downloading music to listen to. People that were a little bit older that I interviewed didn’t really spend time on the internet for their own pleasure, they used the internet for their work.

I think that younger people use the internet becasue it is more common for kids to communicate on "AIM" than the telephone. Mostly every family has internet access so that is how most teenagers communicate. Adults on the other hand use the internet as more of a work station, for either work or other important things.

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